Run scLinaX-multi using the scATAC data and output from scLinaX (Currently, only single sample mode is implemented).
Run scLinaX-multi using the scATAC data and output from scLinaX (Currently, only single sample mode is implemented).
- scLinaX_summary
Output from the summarize_scLinaX function run with Annotaion=NULL option
- scLinaX_obj
A list object generated by the
function.- ATAC_ASE_data
A dataframe (tibble) containing single-cell chromatin accessibility data. This dataframe should include the following columns:
SNP_ID: SNP identifier
POS: Genomic position of the SNP (GRCh38)
REF: Reference allele of the SNP A,T,G,C
ALT: Alternative allele of the SNP A,T,G,C
cell_barcode: Cell barcode
REFcount: Allelic read count of the reference allele
ALTcount: Allelic read count of the alternative allele
OTHcount: Allelic read count of the other allele
Sample_ID: Sample ID
- peak_data
A dataframe (tibble) containing peak information called from the single-cell chromatin accessibility data. This dataframe should include the following columns:
start: Genomic position of the start of the peak (1-base)
end: Genomic position of the end of the peak (1-base)
Peak_name: Name of the peak
Gene: Nearest gene to the peak
Threshold for the total allele count (depth) of the SNP in the scATAC data. SNP–Sample pairs with a total allele count of at least "SNP_DETECTION_DP" are used for the analysis. Default: 30.
Threshold for the minor allele count of the scASE data. SNP–Sample pairs with a minor allele ratio between "SNP_DETECTION_MAF" and "1 - SNP_DETECTION_MAF" are used for the analysis. Default: 0.1.
A dataframe (tibble) containing raw per-cell scLinaX-multi results.
This dataframe should include the following columns:
cell_barcode: Cell barcode
Sample_ID: Sample ID
SNP_ID: SNP identifier
CHR: PAR or nonPAR
POS: Genomic position of the SNP (GRCh38)
REF: Reference allele of the SNP A,T,G,C
ALT: Alternative allele of the SNP A,T,G,C
REFcount: Allelic read count of the reference allele
ALTcount: Allelic read count of the alternative allele
OTHcount: Allelic read count of the other allele
Peak_name: Name of the peak
Gene: Nearest gene to the peak
XCI_status: XCI status escape, variable, inactive, unknown
Gene_class: XCI status combined with CHR information PAR1, nonPAR_escape, nonPAR_variable, nonPAR_inactive, nonPAR_unknown, PAR2
Xa: Information of the activated X chromosome Allele_A, Allele_B
A_allele_count, B_allele_count: Total allele count of allele A and B