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About scLinaX

One of the two X chromosomes of females is silenced through X chromosome inactivation (XCI) to compensate for the difference in the dosage between sexes. Among the X-linked genes, several genes escape from XCI. scLinaX is a computational tool designed for the quantification of the escape from X chromosome inactivation using single-cell RNA sequencing data obtained through droplet-based methodologies.


First, load the scLinaX package.

For demo, load the test dataset included within the scLinaX package as well.


If you would like to run scLinaX with your data, please prepare ASE data and cell annotation data. In the original manuscript, we prepared ASE data using cellsnp-lite and Annovar. We applied QC, namely variant filtering based on the allele frequency in the reference panels (e.g. 1000 genome project dataset). The format should be like below (Please also see the reference for the dataset).

#> # A tibble: 6 × 10
#>   SNP_ID           POS REF   ALT   cell_barcode REFcount ALTcount OTHcount Gene 
#>   <chr>          <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr>           <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl> <chr>
#> 1 chrX:299800:… 299800 C     A     AAACCAACAGG…        1        0        0 PLCX…
#> 2 chrX:299800:… 299800 C     A     ACAACACTCTA…        1        0        0 PLCX…
#> 3 chrX:299800:… 299800 C     A     ACTAACTCATT…        1        0        0 PLCX…
#> 4 chrX:299800:… 299800 C     A     ACTGAATGTGA…        1        0        0 PLCX…
#> 5 chrX:299800:… 299800 C     A     CCGCTAAAGCT…        1        0        0 PLCX…
#> 6 chrX:299800:… 299800 C     A     CGTTGCGCACA…        1        0        0 PLCX…
#> # ℹ 1 more variable: Sample_ID <chr>
#> # A tibble: 6 × 2
#>   cell_barcode       Annotation
#>   <chr>              <chr>     

Let’s run scLinaX! The result will be a list object including $reuslt and $raw_exp_result which are used in the subsequent process.

#> [1] "Start processing of sample 1 (total sample number = 1)"
#> [1] "Finish processing of sample 1 (total sample number = 1)"

#> # A tibble: 6 × 24
#>   Sample_ID SNP_ID          CHR      POS REF   ALT   Gene  XCI_status Gene_class
#>   <chr>     <chr>           <chr>  <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>      <fct>     
#> 1 Multiome  chrX:101044782… nonP… 1.01e8 G     A     TRMT… inactive   nonPAR_in…
#> 2 Multiome  chrX:10139201:… nonP… 1.01e7 C     G     WWC3  inactive   nonPAR_in…
#> 3 Multiome  chrX:10144298:… nonP… 1.01e7 C     A     WWC3  inactive   nonPAR_in…
#> 4 Multiome  chrX:101626444… nonP… 1.02e8 A     G     ARMC… inactive   nonPAR_in…
#> 5 Multiome  chrX:101882824… nonP… 1.02e8 G     A     ZMAT1 variable   nonPAR_va…
#> 6 Multiome  chrX:101931416… nonP… 1.02e8 G     A     ZMAT1 variable   nonPAR_va…
#> # ℹ 15 more variables: Used_as_refGene <chr>, Used_as_refSNP <chr>,
#> #   Total_A_allele <dbl>, Total_B_allele <dbl>, Total_allele <dbl>,
#> #   Expressing_cells <int>, minor_allele_ratio <dbl>, Reference_Gene <chr>,
#> #   Num_Reference_Gene <int>, Reference_SNP <chr>, Num_Reference_SNP <int>,
#> #   Reference_Cell_Count <int>, Num_A_cells <int>, Num_B_cells <int>,
#> #   Num_Fail_cells <int>

#> # A tibble: 6 × 20
#>   SNP_ID    Sample_ID    POS REF   ALT   cell_barcode REFcount ALTcount OTHcount
#>   <chr>     <chr>      <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr>           <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
#> 1 chrX:101… Multiome  1.01e8 G     A     ATGGTTATCCT…        1        0        0
#> 2 chrX:101… Multiome  1.01e8 G     A     CAAGTGAAGTT…        1        0        0
#> 3 chrX:101… Multiome  1.01e8 G     A     CACGCTAAGTT…        1        0        0
#> 4 chrX:101… Multiome  1.01e8 G     A     GCTAAGAAGTT…        1        0        0
#> 5 chrX:101… Multiome  1.01e8 G     A     GCTATTGCAAT…        1        0        0
#> 6 chrX:101… Multiome  1.01e8 G     A     GTACTTCGTTG…        1        0        0
#> # ℹ 11 more variables: Gene <chr>, XCI_status <chr>, CHR <chr>,
#> #   Gene_class <fct>, A_allele <dbl>, B_allele <dbl>, Xa <chr>,
#> #   Used_as_refGene <chr>, Used_as_refSNP <chr>, Reference_SNP <chr>,
#> #   Reference_Gene <chr>

Above results should be summarized using the summarize_scLinaX function before analysis. If no Annotation is supplied, this function returns the ratio of expression from the inactivated X chromosome for all cells. If Annotation is supplied, this function returns the ratio of expression from the inactivated X chromosome for each cell annotation.

#> # A tibble: 6 × 24
#>   Reference_SNP   Sample_ID Reference_Cell_Count SNP_ID CHR      POS REF   ALT  
#>   <chr>           <chr>                    <int> <chr>  <chr>  <dbl> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 chrX:47624401:… Multiome                  2056 chrX:… nonP… 1.54e8 G     A    
#> 2 chrX:47624401:… Multiome                  2056 chrX:… nonP… 2.37e7 A     G    
#> 3 chrX:47624401:… Multiome                  2056 chrX:… nonP… 1.10e8 T     C    
#> 4 chrX:47624401:… Multiome                  2056 chrX:… PAR1  1.59e6 C     T    
#> 5 chrX:47624401:… Multiome                  2056 chrX:… nonP… 1.58e7 C     T    
#> 6 chrX:47624401:… Multiome                  2056 chrX:… nonP… 1.54e8 G     A    
#> # ℹ 16 more variables: Gene <chr>, XCI_status <chr>, Gene_class <fct>,
#> #   Used_as_refGene <chr>, Used_as_refSNP <chr>, Total_A_allele <dbl>,
#> #   Total_B_allele <dbl>, Total_allele <dbl>, Expressing_cells <int>,
#> #   minor_allele_ratio <dbl>, Reference_Gene <chr>, Num_Reference_Gene <int>,
#> #   Num_Reference_SNP <int>, Num_A_cells <int>, Num_B_cells <int>,
#> #   Num_Fail_cells <int>

#> # A tibble: 6 × 20
#>   Sample_ID SNP_ID     CHR      POS Major_allele Reference_SNP REF   ALT   Gene 
#>   <chr>     <chr>      <chr>  <dbl> <chr>        <chr>         <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 Multiome  chrX:1014… nonP… 1.01e7 B            chrX:4762440… C     A     WWC3 
#> 2 Multiome  chrX:1019… nonP… 1.02e8 A            chrX:4762440… T     G     ZMAT1
#> 3 Multiome  chrX:1036… nonP… 1.04e8 A            chrX:4762440… T     C     MORF…
#> 4 Multiome  chrX:1036… nonP… 1.04e8 A            chrX:4762440… T     C     MORF…
#> 5 Multiome  chrX:1100… nonP… 1.10e8 B            chrX:4762440… G     A     TMEM…
#> 6 Multiome  chrX:1189… nonP… 1.19e8 A            chrX:4762440… A     G     LONR…
#> # ℹ 11 more variables: XCI_status <chr>, Gene_class <fct>,
#> #   Used_as_refGene <chr>, Used_as_refSNP <chr>, Reference_Gene <chr>,
#> #   Annotation <chr>, Major_allele_count <dbl>, Minor_allele_count <dbl>,
#> #   Total_allele <dbl>, Reference_Cell_Count <int>, minor_allele_ratio <dbl>

Let’s check the result of the scLinaX analysis. The minor_allele_ratio (ratio of the expression from Xi) tend to high in the escapee genes compared to other nonPAR genes as expected.

if (require("ggplot2")) {

theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust = 1, size = 10),
axis.text.y = element_text(size = 10),aspect.ratio=2/3,legend.position="none")+
  xlab("")+ylab("ratio of the expression from Xi")
#> Loading required package: ggplot2

About scLinaX-multi

XCI induces chromatin-level transcriptional repression on Xi, while the transcriptionally active chromatin state on Xi can be observed under the escape from XCI. scLinaX-multi is a computational tool designed for the quantification of the escape from X chromosome inactivation at the chromatin accessibility level using single-cell multi-omics (RNA + ATAC) data such as 10X multiome.


For demo, load the additional test dataset included within the scLinaX package.


Let’s run scLinaX-multi! Note that scLinaX-multi takes the output of scLinaX as an input. The result will be a dataframe (tibble) containing raw per-cell scLinaX-multi results. which are used in the subsequent process.


#> # A tibble: 6 × 17
#>   SNP_ID    Sample_ID    POS REF   ALT   cell_barcode REFcount ALTcount OTHcount
#>   <chr>     <chr>      <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr>           <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
#> 1 chrX:101… Multiome  1.01e7 G     A     AAACCGCGTCT…        1        0        0
#> 2 chrX:101… Multiome  1.01e7 G     A     AACAGATAGAC…        1        0        0
#> 3 chrX:101… Multiome  1.01e7 G     A     ACTTAGTCAGG…        1        0        0
#> 4 chrX:101… Multiome  1.01e7 G     A     AGCCAGTGTTC…        1        0        0
#> 5 chrX:101… Multiome  1.01e7 G     A     ATGTGAGAGAC…        1        0        0
#> 6 chrX:101… Multiome  1.01e7 G     A     ATTGTGATCGC…        1        0        0
#> # ℹ 8 more variables: Xa <chr>, Peak_name <chr>, Gene <chr>, XCI_status <chr>,
#> #   CHR <chr>, Gene_class <fct>, A_allele_count <dbl>, B_allele_count <dbl>

As in the case of the scLinaX analysis, above results should be summarized using the summarize_scLinaX_multi function before analysis. If no Annotation is supplied, this function returns the ratio of accessible chromatin derived from the inactivated X chromosome for all cells. If Annotation is supplied, this function returns the ratio of accessible chromatin derived from the inactivated X chromosome for each cell annotation.

#> # A tibble: 6 × 13
#>   SNP_ID  Peak_name Sample_ID    POS REF   ALT   Gene  Gene_class A_allele_count
#>   <chr>   <chr>     <chr>      <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <fct>               <dbl>
#> 1 chrX:1… chrX-101… Multiome  1.01e7 G     A     CLCN4 nonPAR_in…              6
#> 2 chrX:1… chrX-102… Multiome  1.02e8 T     C     BEX5  nonPAR_un…             21
#> 3 chrX:1… chrX-103… Multiome  1.03e8 C     G     BEX4  nonPAR_in…              2
#> 4 chrX:1… chrX-103… Multiome  1.03e8 C     G     BEX3  nonPAR_in…              0
#> 5 chrX:1… chrX-103… Multiome  1.04e8 G     T     TCEA… nonPAR_in…              4
#> 6 chrX:1… chrX-103… Multiome  1.04e8 A     G     MORF… nonPAR_in…            174
#> # ℹ 4 more variables: B_allele_count <dbl>, Total_allele_count <dbl>,
#> #   minor_allele_ratio <dbl>, Major_allele <chr>

#> # A tibble: 6 × 13
#>   SNP_ID   Sample_ID Annotation    POS REF   ALT   Gene  Gene_class Major_allele
#>   <chr>    <chr>     <chr>       <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <fct>      <chr>       
#> 1 chrX:10… Multiome  CD14 Mono  1.03e8 C     G     BEX3  nonPAR_in… B           
#> 2 chrX:10… Multiome  CD14 Mono  1.04e8 G     T     TCEA… nonPAR_in… B           
#> 3 chrX:10… Multiome  CD14 Mono  1.04e8 A     G     MORF… nonPAR_in… A           
#> 4 chrX:10… Multiome  CD16 Mono  1.04e8 A     G     MORF… nonPAR_in… A           
#> 5 chrX:10… Multiome  CD4 Naive  1.04e8 A     G     MORF… nonPAR_in… A           
#> 6 chrX:10… Multiome  CD4 TCM    1.04e8 A     G     MORF… nonPAR_in… A           
#> # ℹ 4 more variables: A_allele_count <dbl>, B_allele_count <dbl>,
#> #   Total_allele_count <dbl>, minor_allele_ratio <dbl>

Let’s check the result of the scLinaX-multi analysis. The minor_allele_ratio (ratio of the accessible chromatin from Xi) tend to high in the escapee genes compared to other nonPAR genes as expected.

if (require("ggplot2")) {

theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust = 1, size = 10),
axis.text.y = element_text(size = 10),aspect.ratio=2/3,legend.position="none")+
  xlab("")+ylab("ratio of the accessible chromatin derived from Xi")

QC of the reference genes

In scLinaX, inactivated X chromosome was estimated based on the allelic expression pattern of the X-linked genes completely subjected to XCI. We used an annotation in Tukiainen et al., Nature, 2017, with additional manual curation. To remove the potential escapee genes from the above list, we performed additional QC based on the scASE data. Although we supply the AIDA_QCREF object which was generated from the AIDA dataset, user can also make their own data for gene QC. Here, we demonstrated the usage of the function for making such data. Note that we strongly recommend using this function with a large number of samples. For demonstration, we use this function for a multiome dataset, a single sample dataset, but this is not recommended in the actual analysis.



#> # A tibble: 6 × 13
#>   Gene   Mean_AR_target SD_AR_target Mean_Total_allele_target
#>   <chr>           <dbl>        <dbl>                    <dbl>
#> 1 FTX            0.333            NA                       15
#> 2 RPGR           0.214            NA                       14
#> 3 MTMR1          0.167            NA                       18
#> 4 GAB3           0.105            NA                       19
#> 5 DIAPH2         0.0769           NA                       13
#> 6 RPL10          0.0714           NA                       14
#> # ℹ 9 more variables: SD_Total_allele_target <dbl>, Sample_N_target <int>,
#> #   Count_target <int>, Mean_AR_reference <dbl>, SD_AR_reference <dbl>,
#> #   Mean_Total_allele_reference <dbl>, SD_Total_allele_reference <dbl>,
#> #   Sample_N_reference <int>, Count_reference <int>